Sponsored gibbons

Thanks to your donations, these residents are living their second chance

Here are the gibbons who already have one (or more!) sponsor, covering all of their costs. It is therefore no longer possible to sponsor them.




9 years old

Gibbon agile (Hylobates agilis albibarbis)

Fully sponsored

Sponsored by Evelyne Chapheau, Annie Mikalewitch, Catherine Campomar

January 2025

Aldo is fine.

He is always with his partner Cacan.

Aldo is active and eat well his fruits.

January 2023

Aldo is fine.

He is now with a female gibbon name Cacan.

September, 1st 2022

Aldo is now with another female gibbon name Cacan.

July, 2nd 2022

It's a sad day for Aldo, his partner Sinta was dead.

After being treated for a weeks at the clinic, Sinta condition didn’t improve much.

She had trouble defecating and vocalizes when she poops.

June 2021

Aldo is now with another female gibbon name Sinta.
He intimidated his old partner Eva.

January 2021

Aldo is now with a female gibbon name Eva.
They are fine.


Aldo is a male gibbon of Hyolabates Agilis albibarbis, one of gibbons species who live in Kalimantan, Indonesia.
The estimation of his birth year : 2016.
As the owner told us, a young man, Aldo was found on the ground in a plantation palm in Pundu, a small village in central Kalimantan.
Aldo was docile with the owner and his family. When we came to take Aldo. The owner cried and so Aldo.
When the owner call us to take Aldo, the young man have learned that to love wild animal is to let them live free in their nature.
Notes :
Pararawen Conservation Center and Sanctuaire, Muara Teweh, Central Kalimantan.