Sponsored gibbons

Thanks to your donations, these residents are living their second chance

Here are the gibbons who already have one (or more!) sponsor, covering all of their costs. It is therefore no longer possible to sponsor them.




10 years old

Gibbon agile (Hylobates agilis albibarbis)

Fully sponsored

Sponsored by Boreales

July 2024

Aliya is fine. She is always with her partner Simon.
Aliya is active and eat well her fruits.

January 2017

Aliya and Simon are fine. They are active and eat the fruits well.
Aliya eat well the fruits.

January 2016

Aliya and Simon are fine. They spend time playing together. They continue to catch themselves up and down the cage.

August 2015

On August 15, 2015, a sad day for Aliya and Simon, Obok has died. Obok felt ill, for 2 days she was not active as usual and did not eat any food.
Autopsy: The veterinary team concluded that the cause of the death of Obok is septisemia infections (septicaemia).

July 2015

Aliya is now with two other young Gibbons, Eboc and Simon. They get along well.

March 2015

Aliya's fine. It is active and eats the fruit well.


Aliya is a female gibbon of the species Hylobates agilis albibarbis, one of the species of gibbons in the world that lives on Borneo island, Indonesia.
Year of birth (estimation) : 2014.
Confiscated in Palangkaraya, the capital of central Kalimantan.
Arrival at Kalaweit program: January 04, 2015.
Medical examination: Aliya is infected by hepatitis B.
Notes :
Pararawen Conservation Centre and Sanctuary, Muara Teweh, central Kalimantan.