Sponsored gibbons

Thanks to your donations, these residents are living their second chance

Here are the gibbons who already have one (or more!) sponsor, covering all of their costs. It is therefore no longer possible to sponsor them.




12 years old

Gibbon de Muller (Hylobates muelleri muelleri)

Fully sponsored

Sponsored by Damien Miremont, Christel Goupilleau

July 2024

Afika is fine. She is always with her big brother Menca and her parents Caca and Carmen.

Afika like to play and swing with her brother Menca at the top of cage.

January 2017

Afika and her family are doing well. Afika likes to swing and playing at the top of the cage.
Afika eats the fruits with pleasure.

January 2016

Afika and her family are doing well.
Afika is active. She swing and play also with her brother Menca.
When she is not playing. Afika likes to follow or being with his mother Carmen at the top of the cage.

September 2013

Afika, her brother Menca and her parents are just fine.
Afika is active. She swings a lot in the top of the cage. Afika plays also with Menca and her parents.
Afika eats well the fruits.

April 2012

Afika and her family are doing well.


Afika is a female gibbon born in our center of Pararawen, Muara Teweh, Borneo.
She was born on march, 21 2012.
Her parents, Caca and Carmen, are a couple of gibbons sheltered at Kalaweit. Their are Hylobates Muelleri muelleri, one of the gibbons species who live in Borneo.
Notes :
Pararawen Conservation Center and Sanctuary, Muara Teweh, Central Kalimantan.