Sponsored gibbons

Thanks to your donations, these residents are living their second chance

Here are the gibbons who already have one (or more!) sponsor, covering all of their costs. It is therefore no longer possible to sponsor them.




16 years old

Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)

Left to sponsor: 280

No sponsor.

June 2022

Aming and Kresna are now in a temporary cage in the forest at Solok, West Sumatera.

They have to stay in this cage for a few months.

If things go well for Aming and Kresna, we open the cage and Aming and Kresna will be free and live in the forest.

August, 27 2017

Aming and Kresna are now together as a couple. They are just fine.

January 2017

Observation made by: Andre.

Aming's fine.

He is active in swinging, singing, playing and looking for insects in the cage.

Aming likes to play with extended strings. He bites them and shoots them. After playing, Aming starts looking for insects.

Aming eats the fruit well.

When the team comes to give the fruit, Aming moves everywhere in the cage. Then he sits near the manger to wait for his fruit.

Aming takes and eats fruit when the team moves away from the cage.

January 2014

Aming's fine. He is active in swinging, playing and singing with other siamangs and Gibbons.

Aming plays with his paws. He catches them and bites them.

Aming does not like when there is human near the cage. He's going to jump and hit the fence with his paws.

Amin eats well the fruits and food aditional as chicken, hard-boiled egg and milk.

September 2013

Aming's fine.

Aming is active in swinging.

Aming eats his food well.

He always takes and eats bananas first. After it takes and eats other fruits like papaya, pineapple, watermelon, mandarin, cucumber, carrot and bean.

Aming likes to eat near the feeder.

April 2013

Aming's fine. He's active in swinging and playing. Aming likes to bite his paws playing.

Aming eats well its fruits

On September 2012

Aming is transferred to our shelter for animals of Sumatera in Supayang, Solok, west of Sumatera.

Aming's fine.

February 2012

Aming's fine. It is now in our refuge which is located on the island Marak, west of Padang, Sumatra.


Aming is a male Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) from Sumatera, Indonesia.

Estimate of the year of birth: 2008.

Aming was recovered a Padang on 23 February 2012.

His story:

Like other wild animals, Aming suffered a trauma when people captured him and brought him away from his universe, the forest and all its inhabitants ...

His life in freedom ended when people put a chain around his neck.

notes :

Supayang Conservation Center and Santuary, Solok, west of Sumatera, Indonesia.