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25 years old
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)
Fully sponsored
Sponsored by Veronique Agniel, Patrick Costeux, Jean Marie Canaud, Desislava Markova
January 2025
Ally is fine.
She is always with her partner Kato.
Ally is fine and eat well her fruits.
January 2023
Ally is fine. She is always together with her partner Kato.
In the morning, Ally and Kato like also to sing with others gibbons in the center.
May 2019
Ally is fine. She is now with a male siamang name Kato.
In the morning, Ally like also to take sunbath at the top of cage.
Ally eat well the fruits. She always like to eat first bananas before eating others fruits like papaya or water melon.
January 2014
Ally's fine. She's active in swinging and looking for bugs.
After balancing and looking for insects, Ally likes to sit at length on an extended branch.
Ally eats well the fruits and food aditional as chicken, hard-boiled egg and milk.
September 2013
Ally's fine.
She's active and likes to swing.
Ally eats her food as well. She takes and eats the bananas first. After it takes and eats other fruits like papaya, watermelon, pineapple, mandarin, cucumber, carrot and bean.
Ally likes to eat near her manger.
April 2013
Ally's fine.
Ally is active in swinging and singing with other siamangs and Gibbons.
Ally likes to swing and hang on to one of the ropes that are stretched in the aviary.
Ally eats his fruit well.
February 2012
Ally's fine. Ally is active in swinging and singing with other siamangs and Gibbons.
Ally eats his fruit well.
June 23, 2011
One sad day for Ally, her companion Alan is dies. Alan fell ill for a week. He had the diarrhea and did not survive.
February 2011
Alan and Ally are fine.
They're active.
Alan likes to look for insects and take leaves down the cage.
Ally likes to sit at the top of the cage. She sometimes looks at Alan.
Alan and Ally are arguing a little bit during the nourrisage. It's always Ally who's dominant.
Alan will take his food when Ally gets away from the manger.
February 11, 2010
A sad day for Alen and Ally ... their son Henry died. Henry was sick. He had diarrhea.
January 2010
Ally and her family are fine. They are still together on the island Marak, Padang-Sumatera.
Ally gave birth to a baby. And we call her baby Henry.
Ally is placed with a male named Alan. Both of them get along well.
Ally is a female Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) from Ile Sumatera, Indonesia.
Estimate of the year of birth: 2000.
Ally was confiscated in Jakarta, Java. She entered Kalaweit program in 2006. Ally's healthy.
Notes :
Supayang Conservation Centre and Sanctuary, Solok, west of Sumatera.