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12 years old
Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)
Left to sponsor: 220€
Sponsored by Brice Ferri
January 2023
Angel is fine.
He is active and eat well his fruits.
In the morning when it's a sunny day, Angel like also to sing with others siamangs in the center.
June 2022
Angel is doing well.
In the morning, Angel swing, sing and like to play with the ropes.
Sometimes she sit on a branch for a while before she start to swing again.
Angel eat well his fruits.
She like to eat first bananas before eating others fruits like pineapple, orange, water melon, papaya.
June, 24 2021
Angel is fine. He is now alone in another cage because Angel was agressive with his mother Angkung.
February 2016
Observation by: Andre.
Zacky Dewasa, Angkung and their son Angel and Ozzie Kecil are fine.
This month the observation happens by looking at the reactions of siamangs and Gibbons when there is human near the cage.
When there is human near the cage, Zacky Dewasa, Angkung and Angel sway a lot. They jump and also hit the fence with their paws. After swinging, zacky Dewasa and Angkung approach us and look at us as they waited for the fruit. Angel stays at the top of the cage. Like his mother, Angel attacks us when we're careless.
Ozzie Kecil will attach himself to his mother.
Zacky Dewasa, Angkung and Angel eat the fruit well.
December 2015
On December 03, 2015 Angkung gave birth to a baby. He's a male. We call the Bebe Ozzie. Angkung and her baby are fine.
January 2015
Angel and her parents are fine. They are active in swinging, singing and playing together.
January 2014
Zacky Dewasa and his family are fine. They are active in swinging and playing.
Zacky Dewasa likes to get close to his partner to play. He catches and shoots Angkung. Then he runs when Angkung wants to catch him.
Zacky Dewasa and Angkung also play by biting.
Angel still often clings to his mom. Sometimes it comes off a bit and learns to swing to an extended branch. But he's still near his mom.
Zacky Dewasa and Angkung eat well the fruits and food aditional as chicken, hard-boiled egg and milk.
June 2013
Angel's fine. His mom looks after Angel.
Angel is a baby Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus) from Ile Sumatera, Indonesia.
Angel was born on June 26, 2013 at Kalaweit.
His parents Zacky Dewasa and Angkung are a couple of siamangs in Kalaweit program.
Observations :
Supayang Conservation Centre and Sanctuary, Solok, west of Sumatera.