Sponsor a gibbon

With your donations we can give a second chance to our pensioners!

You will receive news of your protege by mail, every 4 – 6 weeks.

Your name will appear on the gibbon’s page on our website.

You can sponsor a gibbon completely either with 280 €/year or with 23 €/month or partially.

In case of an animal’s death, your donations can be attributed to another gibbon or used for other expenses depending on your wishes.

If you would like to donate in someone else’s name, please send us their email so that we may send them news of their fostered animal.

Our email:

Thank you for your support!

Donate once

The maximum amount per gibbon per year is 280 €.

Sponsoring lasts 12 months starting the day we receive your donation. An email will be sent to you after 11 months to see if you will renew your help.

Check on the gibbon’s card how much is still needed. The amount is indicated above each photo. If you want to give 80 €, you have to have at least 80 € left to collect, otherwise the total will exceed 280 € per year.

Donate each month

You can sponsor from 5 to 23.33 € per month.
For example 5 € a month equals 60 € / year

With this formula, your donations are made monthly until you decide otherwise. You become a Friend of Kalaweit and we offer you the membership fee.

Check on the gibbon’s page how much is still needed. The amount is indicated above each photo. Do not make donations exceeding the amount left to purchase. Ex: If you would like to make a 10 € monthly donation, amounting to 120 €/year, make sure that there is at least 120 € left on the gibbon’s page.




15 years old

Siamang (Symphalangus syndactylus)

Left to sponsor: 124

Sponsored by Celine Belay Maurice, Vannina Emmanuelli

January 2025

Fathar is fine.

He is active and eat well his fruits.

January 2023

Fathar is fine.

He is active and eat well his fruits.

In the morning, Fathar like also to sing with others siamangs.

June 2022

Fathar is fine.

In the morning, He swing and sing with ohers siamangs in the center.

After singing, Fathar like to sit on a branch. Sometimes he like to swing a little bit.

Fathar eat well her fruits.

He like to eat first bananas before eating others fruits like pineapple, orange, papaye, water melon.


Fathar is a male siamang ( Symphalangus syndactylus ). L’une des espèces des gibbons qui vit sur l’île de Sumatera en Indonésie.
Estimation of his birth year : 2010.
Fathar was confiscated by the department foresty of Jambi in Sumatera.
Father was arrived at Kalaweit in November, 22 2017.
Notes :
Supayang Conservation Center and Santuary, Solok, West Sumatera.

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